The Confidence Star &
Star Assembly will help your 

Bright Sparks Shine

With the growing mental health crisis that’s affecting children and young people, it’s never been more important to help grow their confidence, boost their self-belief and cement their resilience.

That’s exactly what The Confidence Star is designed to do – and we’d love the pupils at your school to discover its power through a Star Assembly.

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The Confidence Star &
Star Assembly will help your 

Bright Sparks Shine

With the growing mental health crisis that’s affecting children and young people, it’s never been more important to help grow their confidence, boost their self-belief and cement their resilience.

That’s exactly what The Confidence Star is designed to do – and we’d love the pupils at your school to discover its power through a Star Assembly.

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meet the founder

Designed by renowned mindset and confidence coach (and concerned mum) Ife Thomas. 

The Confidence Star is a mirror that features four positive affirmations that, when said aloud, can transform children’s mental health.

Ife and her team of Star Facilitators are passionate about sharing the importance of the words we say to ourselves and the life-changing power of The Confidence Star at schools, colleges and organisations across the UK.

If you’d like to support the mental health of your pupils, book a free call with us today to discuss arranging a bespoke Star Assembly.

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Our Trainers


The Star Packages 

Package One 

  • 1 Bespoke Star Assembly with a Star Facilitator
  • Additional Stars can be purchased £18 per star!
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Package Two 

  • 1 Bespoke Star Assembly with a Star Facilitator
  • 6 Confidence Stars for your school
  • 2 Bespoke Star Workshops
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Why do we need to build children’s confidence

Why do we need to build children’s confidence?

In 2020, one in six children between five and 16 were identified as having a probable mental health problem.* It’s a shocking statistic, but one that just highlights the importance of supporting children and young people to develop mental resilience and a positive self-image.

 By saying The Confidence Star’s affirmations every day, pupils can protect themselves from both outside criticism and their own internal criticism. We like to think of it as anti-viral software for the mind. It’s preventative, it’s proactive and it’s reactive.

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But don’t just take our word for it

Here’s what others have to say!

Rainham School for Girls - Nicky

“I just wanted to say how amazing Ife was yesterday as our guest speaker at our Awards Afternoon. She was so inspirational and her positivity actually moved some of the parents to tears - we've never had that reaction before!“

Lauren - After School Teacher

"I’ve noticed a marked difference in the children over the months we’ve been using the star. They are more engaged in conversation and are much more able to express themselves. They are also more inquisitive and much calmer! It was brilliant because we were all able to talk about the star and it has helped us to foster an environment where the children care for themselves and each other"

Fiona Sanchez - Head Teacher

"The great thing about The Confidence Star is that the child can see themselves in the Star, to say the words, I'm good enough, an adult would find it hard, but if a child can say those words, the adults surrounding that child are doing a jolly good job"

What will a Star Assembly consist of?

Our expert Star Facilitators will design an inspirational and interactive Star Assembly tailored to the specific needs of your pupils.

As well as talking about the life-changing power of the words we say to ourselves and sharing our tools for developing unshakeable confidence, we can cover a number of other topics too.

We regularly deliver assemblies with the following titles, and we can create one especially for you:

  • How to think positively
  • How to build resilience
  • How to become your own cheerleader
  • How to own your shine
  • How to adapt to change
  • How to unleash the power of words
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 story behind The Confidence Star

What’s the story behind The Confidence Star?

I’m Ife Thomas, and The Confidence Star is my gift to the world.

I’m often called The Confidence Queen, and spreading self-confidence and positivity is what I’m passionate about. But here’s something that may surprise you: the reason I understand the importance of confidence is because I haven’t always had it myself.

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